Keep: one way IM

Google KeepOccasionally the strength of my internet connection on my phone is questionable. Then I would not be sure whether or not a message has been sent properly in Whatsapp. So what I started doing was I would send a Whatsapp message to myself (to test the ping). The messages were simple and minimal at first (For example, just a full stop or the word “ping”) but they soon became elaborate reminders and philosophical memos.

This was a strange method of storing notes, I’ll agree, but I didn’t want to use a conventional note-taking app. You see, the reason for this was that I liked the idea of the one-way instant-messaging functionality. It was a way of swiftly logging ideas in a chat-layout. Like sending text messages to my future-self’s brain. Yet I wasn’t satisfied and thus began a quest for the ideal note taking app.

I found Evernote. It wasn’t what I was looking for because it wouldn’t replace my self-directed text messages. Evernote is made more for longer pieces of writing than my one line, witty maxims.

Then, once upon a sunny day (or was it rainy? I don’t remember because what happened was so great) I found it! Hooray! The nearest approximation to my perfect note-taking app: Google Keep. I am a confessed Google-holic and this app’s nifty layout, making it simple to bottle my thoughts, didn’t disappoint me. I could even colour code my future-brain-messages.

In epilogue, I still use Evernote for longer pieces of writing such as poems and I still send myself the occasional “.” or “ping” over Whatsapp but whenever I can, I use Keep. If you happen to like one of my blog posts, you can probably thank Google Keep for helping me to plan it.

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